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Wisdom Teeth Removal Made Easy

Also called the third molars, wisdom teeth erupt during adolescence or early adulthood. In some cases, they may not present a problem, but in most instances, removal is recommended. We will take X-rays to determine whether removal is advisable.

Green Apple Dental Clinic is committed to keeping you as comfortable as possible during your wisdom teeth removal surgery. To do this, we offer a series of sedation strategies to relieve your nerves and encourage relaxation during an otherwise anxious time.

Nitrous Oxide

woman receiving nitrous oxide gasDoes dental surgery make you mildly uncomfortable? Nitrous oxide might be for you.

After administering local anaesthesia, nitrous oxide can be used to calm mild anxiety. Nitrous oxide is given through a nasal mask. By simply breathing in, the patient will inhale the “laughing gas” and experience a conscious feeling of floating. This sensation is often accompanied by the illusion of only a minutes-long procedure.

Intravenous Sedation

If dental surgery causes you to feel extreme anxiety, intravenous sedation may be what you need.

Intravenous (IV) sedation is an option for all complex surgeries. Provided by Dr Jeffrey Field (Dentist), this form of sedation is much more advanced in nature. It requires the access of a vein rather than inhalation, rendering the patient unconscious and unaware of the surgical procedure taking place.

Your Comfort First

We understand the hesitation that often comes with wisdom teeth removal surgery. Whether you need the pre-surgical edge taken off your shoulders or you are dental phobic, Green Apple Dental Clinic puts your comfort first.

We are in the business of supporting your decisions and helping make you comfortable during your time with us. The sedation strategy you choose is your call. With us, nitrous oxide and intravenous sedation are equally realistic solutions to any anxiety surrounding your upcoming wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Contact us to learn more about wisdom teeth removal with sedation dentistry. We look forward to hearing from you and addressing your questions and concerns!

* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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